Saturday, September 24, 2011

Too Late to Ask for a Do-Over?

So last night, my roommate and I were reminiscing about high school. Who we hung out with, classes, and just those years in general. And the one thing that kept going through was how much I wish I could do it all over. There are so many things I would do differently. Not because I hate my life or anything, but to put myself in better circumstances now and just to have been a better person overall. There were three things that stuck out about all though.

The first thing is that I wish I had built relationships. Sure I have a handful of people I still consider close friends from high school, but I never really was the friend I should have been. I never went to sports games, club events, or even just hung out with friends on the weekends. When my roommate and I were talking, we were in a Steak N' Shake surrounded by high schoolers hanging out after a football game. I never did that. The only time I ever went out of my way to hang out with people was my senior year. And I regret that. I wish I had gone to more school events. I wish I had gotten more involved. I wish I had taken more time to just hang out and build those friendships from the beginning of my high school career. 

 The second thing was that I wish I had challenged myself academically. To be honest, I took the classes that I knew I could pass with an A by doing the bare minimum. I never even went above and beyond on fun class projects. I should have taken more AP classes. I could've passed them. I am more than smart enough. But more than those two things, I wish I had taken college courses. I would have saved so much money if I hadn't been so stubborn. When I was a sophomore, I decided that if I was going to go to college then I wanted to go for all four years. Boy was I an idiot.I wish I had taken the courses needed for my general requirements. Granted, for my major, most of the credits wouldn't have transferred over as alternatives to the classes I have to take, but I would at least have Junior status right now. It would just have made the transition to college easier. But nope. I was dumb.

The third thing is my largest regret. I wish I had acted more like a Christian should have. I mean I don't think I was horrible or anything, but I should have been better. Matthew 25:40 says, " “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'" I didn't stick up for those being made fun of. I didn't befriend the outcasts. I didn't show what Christ looks like to my school. Based on how I acted, I wouldn't doubt if all my classmates thought a Christian was just someone who follows the rules and goes to church. Because I did my share of lying, gossiping, and mocking. Probably more than my share. And when i wasn't joining in, I was silent. I didn't defend others like I should have. I mean I can't be Supergirl and do it all, but I definitely didn't do my part. And I want to say that if I ever hurt you or anything, that I am genuinely sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone with my words or actions. 

So those are  three of my regrets. They are quite large ones. If I could go back and change them, I bet I would be a different person. I might not be at the college I am now. I might not have the same friends. So maybe there was a reason I didn't do those things, but I guess I will never know.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry For the font screw up. I tried fixing it but it won't let me. - Aimee
