Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Is What You Make It.

So I have to say that I am guilty of being a hater. I don't like that I am 19, yet have never had a valentine to celebrate this holiday with. And it is not me being greedy. I just want someone to call mine. Someone to smile at and wish them a "Happy Valentines Day".  But I realized something today...

I don't need that, because, in a way, I already have it.

Today started just like every other day. I woke up and got ready for class, or what today would be a field trip. I check my mailbox to find a card from my best friend and a valentine from another friend. I know my best friend loves me, and means it, yet I sort of expected it. So although I appreciate it and I love her, I still have kind of a blah attitude about the rest of the day.

Everything was going smoothly until I had to get ready for work. I really didn't want to go into an elementary school to work with sugared up children. Not only that, but I knew schedules would be crazy and I just didn't want to deal with it. I wanted to have the entire day to coup myself up and forget this day was happening. I was even going to skip dinner in the cafeteria, and just get a sandwich from one of the other food places on campus. But I told my teacher that I would be there, and I was.

I walked into the room to find that my first group of students were gone at the library. My schedule was already screwed up and I didn't like it. So grumpily, I updated my Facebook status and set to get ready to see what students were available to work with. Then my teacher walked in. She gave me a box of chocolates and a pink construction paper heart with all the kids signatures on it. I wanted to cry. It was then I started to realized just how loved I was. I didn't even care that my name was spelt wrong. Also, something else new happened. My teacher and I talked. Like had a good conversation about my field trip, students, and education issues. It was thanks to this that I was reassured again that elementary school teaching was where I belong. She told me just how much she and the students appreciate me. She also reminded me that, for some of the students, I am the only non-teacher encouragement they receive. That hit me pretty hard. But then I realized just how great of an opportunity I have been given. I love my students. All of them. No matter what. And I would do anything to express my love and desire for them to succeed to them. I joined teaching for them. Not for the salary, or the benefits, or the vacation time. But for them. To see them succeed and learn.

Not only did I get candy from my teacher, but one of my students, who I did not expect anything from, gave me a holographic Scooby-Doo valentine. And I love it. I also came back to my dorm to find two fortune cookie valentines with Hershey's kisses  and "fortunes" in them.

This post doesn't come close to showing how loved I feel and how much I appreciate my life and those in it. I was reminded what real love is today. Both in practice, and in Word. The Word. One of my fortune cookies had this in it: "And this is love: that we walk in obedience to His commands. As you have heard from the beginning, His command is that you walk in love." (2 John 1:6) I love God, and I love how He uses things and people to show us His love as well.

So you can hate this day all you want. You can be bitter, hateful, and plain right nasty. But you can't deny the power of God's love. You can hate this day, but you shouldn't. This holiday is not about having a boyfriend or girlfriend. It is not about who gets flowers or who gets the most candy. This holiday is not out to get all the single people and make them feel worthless. This holiday is meant to show you how loved you are. It is meant for you to show others how much you love them. We can use it to show the love of God and have it shown to us. Granted, you shouldn't need an excuse to do that. But since we have it, why not take advantage of it?

Happy Valentines Day. Remember, you are beautiful. And you are loved more than you know.

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